GreenYard Veges

Business Name: GreenYard Veges

Owner/Operator: Annette and Mike Trent

Product/Produce: Watercress, Strawberries and more seasonal goods

Key information bits:

  • Hydroponic watercress, strawberries and more - spray free, delicious and very nutritious .. they are on a mission to bring safe, healthy vegetables back to the everyday menu of Southland families - you deserve it!

  • As a family run business, Greenyard Vegetables understand the need for high quality produce at an affordable price.

  • Greenyard’s ethos is entirely centered around offering fresh, tasty, and fully nutritious whole foods, direct to locals in the Southland area.

  • GreenYard never use synthetic pesticides, herbicides nor fungicides on their property, instead they work with all the natural methods available to keep their plants growing healthy and strong - just like their grandparents used to do...

Contact Details:

027 326 7311


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